Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the most common questions that we get asked.

We charge $2.99 shipping to anywhere in the world and free shipping for all orders over $40
Yes we ship all over the world and have a flat rate shipping costs so you can be assured that no matter where you are you will always pay the same rate.
Due to our global distribution of tapestries, sometimes delivery can take up to 30 days especially with the COVID-19 issues that are all currently facing. But don’t worry, we will always send your packages tracked so you know where they are.

You should always contact us straight away if you wish to modify your order, processing your order can take upto 24 hours and after that we will be unable to make changes.
We will always need to ship your first order to your billing address to help protect us from fraud. But we are happy to send orders to our regular customers work place or neighbors address.
We accept PayPal or other credit or debit cards via our payment processor Stripe.

Get in touch with us via and we will sort it out for you, please don’t post anything back to us without getting in touch first, if you do so then we might not be able to help.
We offer a 30 day return and refund on all of our products, contact us at and we will guide you through the process.